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IMFA membership is open to anyone descended from or researching the surname Molyneux or any of its many spelling variants. View a long list of variations.

You may descend from an Mx ancestor, male or female, or you may be a spouse of an Mx/Mx descendant, or perhaps you were adopted into a Mx surname. Libraries and genealogical societies are also welcome to become members of IMFA. IMFA promotes family history, not solely genealogy.

What does membership in IMFA involve?

IMFA asks you to share your personal ties to the Mx surname with our membership, by encouraging you to enter your pedigree showing your direct-line descent from your earliest known Mx ancestor. We also encourage you to submit a GEDCOM (standard tree file download format), a pedigree document, or a genealogy report document. These files can go beyond your direct line ancestors, to include all known Mx siblings at each generation. One of our members may not connect with your direct ancestor, but may connect through your ancestor’s sibling.

We welcome any Mx related obituaries, grave marker extractions, wills, Bible records, family photos and letters, maps, and Mx place names. Any Mx information that you come across in your research which does not relate to your own family, might help someone else in our membership. We ask that you share any extraneous type of Mx information with IMFA.

IMFA has published a quarterly newsletter, MxWorld, since 1986. MxWorld is offered as a Digital Online version for reading online or a PDF download for printing on your own local printer. All past and present editions of MxWorld are on our website.


Membership Dues

Membership Dues are $10 U.S. (or the equivalent in your country’s currency, approximately: Australia AU$ 13.45, Canada CA$12.53, Euro €8.42, New Zealand $13.99, United Kingdom £7.2) per year. Secure online payments are processed by PayPal using major credit cards including American Express, Discover, Mastercard, PayPal and Visa. Donations, in excess of dues, are always welcome and can be included with your original or renewal membership.

What are the benefits of membership in IMFA?

  • Full-text, searchable access to all back issues of MxWorld.
  • Resources listed at our Resource page.
  • Access to IMFA member pedigrees and genealogy reports.
  • Member-to-member connections.
  • Research assistance by IMFA volunteers.
  • Potential assistance towards the cost of a DNA test with FamilyTreeDNA (either for a male Mx member testing, or for a female Mx member sponsoring a male Mx).
  • Opportunity to post your own family research (queries or comments) and to collaborate with other IMFA members via our various Web portals and/or MxWorld.

How will my dues & donations be used?

IMFA uses donations for DNA subsidies and to offset the cost of maintaining and updating the website. Occasionally, IMFA will share the cost of DNA testing for a member whose DNA profile may prove to be important in the research of several of our Mx ancestral lines. We also provide free library subscriptions for the New York City Library, LDS library in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., and others. Full list of libraries.

Joining is Easy!

If you are ready, just follow the instructions below to complete your application. If you are undecided about joining then view a sample copy of our newsletter online. Once you read it we are sure you will realize what a benefit membership can be to your Mx genealogy research.

Apply for Membership

NEW! Join or renew online. Or, if you prefer you can click on the link below to open and download the IMFA Membership Form. Use this form for your own membership or to gift a membership to another family member or friend. Print the form on your local printer, complete and mail with your check to IMFA at the address on the form. Annual Dues are $10.00 (USD).

Join, Renew, Pay Online Download Membership Form